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xo Tami van Kalsbeek

THE soul project


Certified Self-love Coach | Spiritual Teacher | Sober Wellness

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Dental Clinic

Self care is about ​giving the world the ​best of you, instead of ​what's left

of you!

About me

Hello Beautiful,

My name is Tami van Kalsbeek, I am a certified self-love coach, executive assistant, mother of two amazing boys, a grateful recovering alcoholic, ​empath, and founder of The Soul Project. I've combined these passions and skill sets to support those who are seeking deeper self-awareness, ​understanding, and growth. My mission is to empower and heal the lives of women who have lived and experienced trauma, addiction, and self-​sabotage behaviours. I teach women to heal themselves through spiritual practices, meditation, intuitive eating, removing limited beliefs, habits, and ​any blocks that hold them back from living a life they truly deserve!

A few years ago, I found myself in a very dark place and I turned to drugs and alcohol as a means to escape the harsh reality of my failing marriage, ​deteriorating mental health, depression, and childhood traumas that had always followed me. I hated myself. I made bad decisions repeatedly and ​woke up with anxiety, guilt, and shame. For years, it was a continuous vicious cycle of self- sabotage, low self-esteem, and toxic relationships. I was ​completely emotionally and spiritually bankrupt, and honestly, I never thought I could find the strength inside of me to change my life around. I don’t ​remember the moment when something switched in me; that moment I was finally done living in pain. I just knew I needed help, that I had problem ​and something needed to change.

As I write this, I am 747 days sober and on my own self-love journey, I have discovered the beautiful parts of me that I had locked away for years. I ​have learned to forgive, accept, and appreciate who I am - all of me - the light and the dark parts of my soul. I have a meaningful life, with healthy ​relationships, values, personal boundaries, and a high regard for my own well-being and happiness. Today, I am dedicated to helping women who have ​similar struggles see their true worth and beauty by sharing my own personal experience, training, and education. You are the keeper of the wisdom, ​insight, awareness and the answers you need. I am here to guide and support you on this journey.

We are not meant to stay wounded. We are supposed to move through our tragedies and challenges. And sometimes we need a little help.

If you’re seeking support in accessing this part of yourself, I’d love to connect.

xo Tami

I've transformed my life and

I can do the same for you!

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My services

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We’ll dig deep and find the root causes, mindsets and patterns that have been holding you back. Together, we identify your main areas to work on, and set identity-based goals to get you to your desired outcome.

A moon circle is a safe space, where women can enjoy being in sacred sisterhood, feel supported and witnessed. Everything that happens in circle remains privately in the circle, which allows women to truly open up, share, and be authentic!!

Learn all about loving yourself with these 5 ​simple, achievable daily habits. There’s no better ​time than this moment. Show the Universe you ​mean business, and join my 5 week program.

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Journey to Self-love:

3 Month Program

$597.00/mo for 3 months;

or one time payment of ​$1,591.00

(Choice of 2 Modules)​

Program Pricing


Self-love Odyssey:

6 Month Program

$597.00/mo for 6 months;

or one time payment of ​$3,300.00

(Modules 1, 2 & 3)


Additional Session

My Life Balance Journal

Vision into Action Planner

Your Self-love Journey ​Workbook (100 pages)

Full/New Moon Ceremonies

30 Minute Consultation Call







5 week Self-love Ro​ad Ma​p:


(Module 1)

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one to one self-love Coaching & mentorship blueprint


The Self Love Roadmap

Learn what patterns you have to let go of to make room for self love! I will guide you through the fundamentals of true self love. In this stage we will unlock Self- forgiveness, Self-acceptance, Self-gratitude, Self-care and lastly, Self-trust. You will receive tangible step by steps; releasing anxiety, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs, so that you can create a balanced life, have healthy relationships, set personal boundaries, gain confidence and have healthier habits.


Soul Healing

In this stage of the program you are loving yourself more and ready to begin "mothering yourself" through some soul therapy. Over the next few weeks, we begin to create healthy habits that you can use every day. You will receive 50 journaling promps, learn manifestation techniques and the chakra system, numerous meditations and daily affirmations, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) so you can begin to share your light and love to the world around you..


The Soul Project Toolbox

In our last weeks of the program, we will create a self-love toolbox with real life tips, tools and techniques and a self care plan so you can radiate in the real-world. I will gently guide you through intuitive eating and positive body image; helping you prioritize your own needs and nourishment. We begin goal setting and planning, to set you up for success. We unlock ancient spiritual tools and rituals to help empower your inner goddess.

A moon circle is a sacred gathering of women, who usually ​come together to honour and celebrate the new and full ​moon. This circle was used to call in the divine feminine, and ​as a way of grounding, centering, and receiving

higher wisdom.

A moon circle is a safe space, where women can enjoy being ​in sacred sisterhood, feel supported and heard. Everything ​that happens in circle remains privately in the circle, which ​allows women to truly open up, share, and be authentic!!

Come join me to tap into our bodies, release what’s no longer ​serving us, and connect with like-minded souls.

full/new moon ceremonies and healing circles

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Gorgeous, you are in the right place. And you deserve more.

xo Tami van Kalsbeek


Certified Self-love Coach | Sober Wellness

Our Upcoming ​Events & FREE


Download your free 7 page planner and ​get organized! Enhance your ​productivity by effectively organizing ​your day! Take notes, track your habits, ​set priorities, and quickly accomplish ​your goals

There’s nobody more important in this ​world than you. Ask yourself, how have ​you been treating yourself lately? A 30 ​day self love challenge may be just ​what you need to improve your self ​love.

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xo Tami van Kalsbeek.


Certified Self-love Coach | Spiritual Teacher | Sober Wellness

“When WE are loved, and ​supported mentally, ​emotionally, and ​intellectually, WE rise to ​the occasion in brilliant ​ways to become the best ​self WE can be.”

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